Provision of traffic data

Clearingstelle Verkehr

Transport research, planning and policy makers have a considerable need for detailed information on traffic patterns and mobility behaviour. Statistics, empirical studies and mobility surveys are therefore numerous and varied. Often, many relevant data sources are only known to a small group of well-informed users, or their use is limited due to insufficient supplementary methodological information. The 'Clearingstelle Verkehr' closes this information gap as a central contact point. The programme is aimed both at scientists and institutions that collect data as well as those who wish to use these findings. In addition to scientific institutions, these particularly include representatives from transport planning and politics.

The 'Clearingstelle Verkehr' is offered in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport.

Data repository

The data repository provides information on numerous datasets. This includes detailed metadata as well as information on possible usage and reference sources. While this meta information is freely accessible, access to datasets is subject to authorisation by the respective data owner.

Conditions of access & order form

Data contained in the archive and intended for use is usually accessible for non-commercial usage in research and academia or under public contract upon payment of a one-time provision fee. However, additional charges may arise if commercial usage of the data is planned. In both cases, the usage of the data is usually subject to special restrictions and the approval of the data owner. Information about applicable usage terms for individual cases is provided in the relevant data set descriptions (meta data).

Please use the provided order form when ordering data. After consultation with the data owner, the approved data is usually sent to the customer by post as a CD-ROM or DVD or made available as a download.

Provision fee

Regardless of the intended use (commercial, non-commercial), a provision fee of €100.00 per data set (plus VAT, fixed cost price) will be charged for the provision of data by the 'Clearingstelle Verkehr'. The provision is based on DLR's General Terms and Conditions for Delivery and Services' (GTC of DLR). (AGB OF DLR).

Publish your own studies or data

The 'Clearingstelle Verkehr' would like to give all interested researchers the opportunity to share their own data with a wider circle of users.

What you can do

Nobody knows your data as well as you do. You have all the relevant information required to subject the data to a professional secondary analysis, such as the original question, survey methodology, processing procedures and much more. All you need to do is provide this information to the 'Clearingstelle Verkehr' in an appropriate manner.

What we offer

We will work closely with you to technically process all information. This includes, above all, the creation of the central metadata document. If required, the data can also be shared with third parties. The decision on access rights is, of course, entirely up to you.


'Clearingstelle Verkehr'

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transport Research
Rudower Chaussee 7, 12489 Berlin