Product assurance

Product assurance

The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) fulfils its social responsibility and has committed itself in its guidelines to complying with laws, standards and official requirements. It applies numerous norms and standards as well as nationally and internationally accepted legal regulations, including on topics such as occupational safety, environmental protection, quality assurance and product safety. We adhere to current national and European directives and laws when constructing and operating our research facilities and products. Where necessary, we supplement these with internal standards.

Depending on the client, topic and research focus (aeronautics, space, energy, transport, security or digitalisation), the project must adhere to various requirements in the form of legislation, norms and standards. For multinational projects, international specifications such as ISO, ECSS and MIL are also taken into account. Product assurance is decentralised at DLR and is the responsibility of the institutes and facilities due to the diversity of conformity provision.

The coordination of product assurance advises project managers, employees, executives and management representatives for quality at the institutes and facilities in their work. This enables researchers to carry out their experiments, tests and research products with a defined quality.