Miniature Force-Torque Sensor

Rigid force-torque sensor

General Description

The newly developed miniature six-component force/torque sensor (20mm in diameter and 16mm in height,  patent pending) with full digital output has been developed for the fingertip of the new generation dexterous robot hand DLR Hand-II. It consists of a transducer, high-flex cable, and intelligent DSP based ISA controller. The force and torque measure ranges are 10N for Fx and Fy, 40N for Fz, 150Nmm for Mx, My and Mz respectively. Also a 200% mechanical overload protection is provided in the structure.

DSP-Based Interface Systems

DSP-based interface card provides an easy interface between a computer (IBM-AT bus) and a fingertip force/torque transducer. It transmits serial data, use the latest technology to provide 6 degree-offreedom force and torque data at very high bandwidths. Use of a powerful Digital Signal Processing (DSP) allows the ISA card to provide decoupled and digitally filtered data at 7.5 kHz per channel.