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Meridiani Planum in 3D

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Meridiani Planum in 3D
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Meridiani Planum, a plain located at the northern edge of the Southern Highlands of Mars, is half way between the volcanic Tharsis Region to the west and the low-lying Hellas Planitia impact basin to the southeast. Seen through a telescope, Meridiani Planum is a striking, dark feature, close to the martian equator. It spans 127 x 63 kilometres, equivalent to an area of roughly 8000 square kilometres, about the size of Cyprus.

The High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express orbiter acquired this image. It was obtained on 1 September 2005, during orbit 2097, and has a resolution of approximately 13 metres per pixel. The image was derived from the HRSC nadir channel, which provides the highest detail of all the channels. This image was produced by combining data from the nadir channel and one stereo channel of the HRSC. Stereoscopic glasses are required to see the 3D effect.

Credits: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum).
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