Autonomy and Teleoperation Department

Telemanipulated control
DLR (CC-BY3.0)

The Department of Autonomy and Teleoperation works on the planning and execution of movements on multi-arm robotic systems with many degrees of freedom. The field of interest varies from simple motion primitives to the execution of complex manipulation tasks with robotic arms and hands.Fundamental techniques for programming and controlling robot motions on flexible, efficient and distributed computing platforms under hard real-time conditions are also investigated

Research topics include

  • Development of distributed, real-time computing platforms for robot control applications
  • Integration of complex control strategies for compliant robots into applications and robot control structures
  • Task oriented programming techniques for real-time and non real-time interfaces
  • Concurrent Engineering process for control development on mechatronic systems
  • Planning of robot motions with consideration of dynamic constraints.
  • Application of non linear optimization techniques for reactive robot behaviours based on sensor information.

To increase the autonomy of robotic systems we investigate techniques to generate robot control programs from logical task descriptions. The DLR Rollin Justin is one of the main demonstration platforms for these tasks. To reach this goal, classes of basic robot operation have to be identified on different levels of abstraction, which allow automatic task and situation dependent parameterisation. Weuse model based techniques as well as programming by demonstration on the real robot or in virtual reality to build up representations of the environment where reasoning and decisions on the next operation can be autonomously done by the robotic system.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alin Olimpiu Albu-Schäffer

Director of the Institute
Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
Münchener Straße 20, 82234 Oberpfaffenhofen-Weßling