HUG - The DLR Haptic User Gerät

How to achieve the most realistic force-feedback for our sophisticated haptic applications? This was one of the core questions when developing HUG - the DLR Haptic User Gerät. HUG is a bimanual haptic device composed of two Light-Weight Robot arms. The two robots are mounted behind the user, such that the intersecting workspace of the robots and the human arms becomes maximal. Equipped with a thorough safety architecture in hard- and software, HUG assures safe operation for human and robot.

A particularly advantageous characteristic of HUG is its capability of generating high interaction forces in a comparably large workspace. Various hand interfaces and additional vibro-tactile feedback devices are available to enhance user interaction. Additionally, sophisticated control strategies improve performance and guarantee stability. To this end, HUG is well suited for versatile applications in remote and virtual environments:


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