Lusatian Conference 2022 - Climate Neutral Industry
The DLR Institute of Low-Carbon Industrial Processes is co-organizer.
How does industrial decarbonization succeed under the current political framework?
November 10, 2022 | 10:00 - 17:30 | Hybrid (Cottbus & Digital)
Energy-intensive industries need stable framework conditions to be able to produce even in times of crisis. In view of the current situation and advancing energy crisis, strong political commitments are needed to decarbonize Germany's energy-intensive primary industries in the medium and long term. How can industrial transformation be advanced despite the current situation? How can electricity-, natural gas- and hydrogen-based transformation pathways be accelerated while guaranteeing long-term security of supply?
The focus of this year's Lusatian Conference - Climate Neutral Industry is therefore on "How can industrial decarbonization succeed under the current political framework?". The Cluster "Decarbonization of Industry" (CDI), of which the DLR Institute of Low-Carbon Industrial Processes is a founding member, invites experts from science, industry and politics to Cottbus on November 10, 2022, to highlight industry-specific requirements, shed light on legal issues and jointly discuss political framework conditions.