September 5, 2022

Visit of a Delegation of the Samsung R&D Institute Japan Osaka at DLR-DI – 5.9.22

A group of three scientists of the Samsung R&D institute Japan at Osaka visited the Institute of Low-Carbon Industrial processes in Cottbus (DLR-DI) on September 5.

The researchers from DLR-DI and the group from Osaka led by vice president Satoru Matsumoto had a workshop and discussions on the potential application of DLR-DI’s technology in their commercialized products and industrial manufacturing processes to reduce energy consumption.

Part of the workshop was a visit to the Brayton-cycle High-Temperature Heat Pump (CoBra) facility l and they had a lively discussion on the performance-data of this first-of-its-kind facility.

Both sides agreed to explore cooperation opportunities in further discussions.