A lysimeter is a metal cylinder open at the top and closed at the bottom. It is used to measure evapotranspiration in a column of soil on which natural vegetation or agricultural crops are growing. In addition to the evapotranspiration, parameters such as the amount of seepage or interactions and mass transfer between the soil, vegetation and atmosphere can be analyzed.
Overview of system features of the lysimeter stations
Number of lysimeters
6 structurally similar parallel monoliths
Put into service
Nominal measuring life
> 15 years
Technical Data
Surface area
Ground column depth
1,50 m
External diameter
1,65 m
Total height
1,85 m
ca. 3,4 t
Measurement accuracy
100 g
Additional instrumentation
Automated weather measurement station
Eddy Covariance measuring instrument
Project supervision:
Dr. rer. nat Erik Borg is responsible for supervising the DEMMIN project for the German Remote Sensing Data Center in Neustrelitz.