Experiments (1st - 7th grade)

Weather Forecast

Im DLR_School_Lab empfangene Aufnahme des geostationären europäischen Wettersatelliten Meteosat 10. Credit: Eumetsat
Im DLR_School_Lab empfangene Aufnahme des geostationären europäischen Wettersatelliten Meteosat 10. Credit: Eumetsat
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Aufnahme eines polar umlaufenden amerikani-schen NOAA-Satelliten, die im DLR_School_Lab empfangen und prozessiert wurde. Credit: DLR (CC-BY 3.0)
Aufnahme eines polar umlaufenden amerikani-schen NOAA-Satelliten, die im DLR_School_Lab empfangen und prozessiert wurde. Credit: DLR (CC-BY 3.0)

Whether through a weather app or through a weather forecast via radio, finding out the forecast isn't just important for choosing appropriate clothing. Aeronautics and shipping, as well as agriculture, depend on present forecasts of weather. A severe thunderstorm alert is used to save human lives. But how is it possible to forecast the weather with high accuracy? In DLR School Lab, the students get to know the hydrological cycle through concrete experiments and realise that the sun is the "engine" of the weather activity. They measure the current values of temperature, atmospheric humidity and air pressure like real meteorologists. Furthermore, they analyse pictures received from the satellites NOAA 19 and Meteosat-10. Through the gained data they create their own weather map of central Europe.