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Mobile Rocket Base

Launch of a sounding rocket. Image: DLR

Rockets are essential tools for scientific progress. How else would astronauts get to the International Space Station, or satellites into Earth's orbit? Without rockets Earth's atmosphere would continue to be a mystery to us, for example. Get into the right frame of mind for your own rocket mission at DLR's German Space Operations Center. There you can have a look at a full-size model of the "SHEFEX" rocket. At the DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen the success of the "Shootinger" water rocket will depend on you. Plan your flight with a simulation program, start it, and evaluate your flight data with the help of a flight recorder.

A safe base for extreme flight altitudes

When planning, preparing and executing scientific projects in altitude research, scientists depend on the MORABA team. MORABA stands for Mobile Rocket Base plus the know-how gained from more than 30 years of experience in designing and launching rockets. For example, parabolic flights with unmanned rockets are launched here for technology, materials science and biology experiments under microgravity conditions. Scientists hope that the results of such experiments will someday lead to answering the question of how life arose on Earth.

What makes a rocket go up?

Whether large or small - all rockets function according to the same principle. Figure out what it is with help from the "Shootinger" water rocket. How does it get to its maximal altitude? Try it out. Start "Shootinger" from a mobile launching ramp. However, for a maximal launch velocity of more than 150 kilometers per hour and a flight altitude of 40 meters you first have to get clearance from air traffic control. Otherwise, "Shootinger" could cause problems for the Oberpfaffenhofen airfield.