Arranging for a visit

More information

Timetable and experiments

The program of experiments is individually tailored for each school visit in consultation with the teachers.

DLR_School_Lab currently offers twelve experiments:

Each experiment takes about two hours including introduction and evaluation.

Visits to the DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen usually involve either half or whole day programs:

  • A whole day visit contains two experiments and starts at about 9 am with an introduction. Afterwards the students carry out the first experiment. After a lunch break the second experiment takes place. A feedback round concludes the program, which ends at about 4:00 pm.
  • A half day visit includes only one experiment plus introduction and feedback. Morning programs run from 9 am to about 12:30, afternoon programs from about 1:30 to 5 pm.

The experiments are supervised by university students. For a deeper understanding of the phenomena being investigated or to answer questions requiring special expertise the scientist with overall responsibility for the experiment is normally present.

The agreed number of participants and the visiting hours should be adhered to, since preparing and conducting the experiments requires extensive prior coordination among the supervisors. Please advise us as early as possible of any unavoidable changes.

Special offers for teachers

For groups of teachers or associations comprised of teachers of specific subjects we offer a self-contained training course in the DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen in which the general concept, each individual experiment, and the organisation of a visit to the lab procedures are presented. Furthermore, teachers can themselves conduct experiments in the School_Lab or obtain additional technical training in the DLR Oberpfaffenhofen research fields. For such events special arrangements need to be made.

Security regulations

For reasons of security, the name and address of the school must be provided when a visit is scheduled, and the names and nationality of each participating student and of anyone accompanying the group should be sent to the School_Lab office latest one week prior to your visit. Whoever accompanies the group must be able to prove his or her identity.

The group must remain together while at DLR. Photographing or filming outside the DLR_School_Lab is allowed only with permission of the supervisory staff.


Your students may bring their lunch with them. For all day events a lunch break at the DLR canteen (soups, salads, daily menus; prices from € 3.00 0.60 to €7.00) is scheduled. Students can also eat the food they brought along at the canteen. Visiting the DLR_School_Lab Oberpfaffenhofen is free of charge for student groups.