
More information

Schedule and test sequence

An experiment day at DLR_School Lab RWTH Aachen University last about six hours. We usually start at 9 a.m., but most of the time we are flexible.

The day begins with a lecture. Subsequently, four of the six experiments pupils are carried out one after the other. Each experiment takes about 60 minutes. The pupils work in groups, ideally with six participants, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate activeley in the experiment. After the second experiment there will be a 45-minute break. The day ends with a final discussion.

During your visit, our scientists and students will be happy to answer and questions you may have about the content of our website, as well as your choice of studies and career.

For school classes, working groups or junior academies with thematic focuses, we can vary the number and duration of experiments and supplement them with specialist lectures. Please contact us for further information. In addition, there is the possibility for foreign guests to carry out the experiments in English.

There are no costs for attending the DLR_School Labs.

Target Audience

The experiments of the DLR_School_Labs Aachen are initially designed for pupils at intermediate level upwards. Nevertheless, it is possible to conduct some experiments with younger participants. Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you

Login and Registration

You can register to visit us via the registration page, by telephone or by e-mail. Then the appointment will be coordinated internally and you will receive feedback on the registration status as soon as possible.


Of course, your pupils can bring provisions with them. Otherwise there is a canteen with sandwiches, salads and hot lunches in the main building of the technology centre. At the entrance of the technology centre there is a beverage and snack vending machine. Bakeries and kiosks are still located on Jülicher Str., directly next to the DLR_School_Lab.

If you have any further questions, here are our contact details.

Telefon: 0241 809 11 69

Lana Plumanns, M.Sc.
E-mail: dlr-schoollab@rwth-aachen. de
Phone: 0241 809 11 69

The DLR_School_Lab RWTH Aachen University is looking forward to your visit!