Department Unmanned Aircraft

ALAADy Demonstrator

The aim of research and development work at the Institute of Flight Systems Engineering is the simple and safe operation of unmanned aerial vehicles under complex boundary conditions: demanding weather conditions, obstacle-laden flight environments or the reaction to other air, water or ground traffic participants are still very demanding for today's remote pilots. This strain should be minimised by a high degree of automation of the unmanned aircraft. The drone's situational awareness required for this is the key to safe operation, versatile usability and the equal integration of drones into general air traffic.

Forschungsschwerpunkte des Instituts für Flugsystemtechnik sind der unbemannte Frachtflug, der gleichzeitige Betrieb von bemannten und unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen in einem gemeinsamen Luftraum, die Entwicklung von Hard- und Softwarekomponenten für die Umweltwahrnehmung und insbesondere die dafür erforderlichen Genehmigungs-, Nachweis- und Zulassungsaspekte. Dadurch werden Anwendungen von Drohnen im Dienste der Allgemeinheit, beispielsweise in Städten für medizinische Zwecke, erst möglich. Ebenso werden mit dem im Institut vorhandenen Systemwissen Lösungen erarbeitet, die dem möglichen Missbrauch von Drohnen vorbeugen.

The Institute of Flight Systems focuses its research on unmanned cargo flights, the simultaneous operation of manned and unmanned aircraft in a common airspace, the development of hardware and software components for environmental perception and, in particular, the necessary authorisation, verification and approval aspects. This is what makes applications of drones in the service of the general public, for example in cities for medical purposes, possible in the first place. The Institute's system expertise is also used to develop solutions that prevent the potential misuse of drones.


Dipl.-Ing. Johann Dauer

Head of Department
Institute of Flight Systems
Unmanned Aircraft
Lilienthalplatz 7, D-38108 Braunschweig