Department of Atmospheric Propagation and Effect

Atmosphärische Propagation und Wirkung
Laser Setup
Free space laser testing at the facility in Lampoldshausen

The Department of Atmospheric Propagation and Effects deals with laser applications in the free atmosphere. The focus here is on applications of laser radiation over long distances, such as optical energy transmission (laser power beaming, laser-based air defence) or remote detection of harmful and hazardous substances. Free-space applications of laser radiation require precise knowledge of the weather influences and their predictability on the radiation field

Free-space applications of laser radiation require precise knowledge of weather influences and their predictability on the radiation field. Air turbulence, for example, can lead to deflection of a laser beam, changes in the intensity profile and deterioration of the beam quality. Scattered radiation from matter must be taken into account from the point of view of eye safety with regard to high-energy laser radiation. These influences are being investigated in detail at the Institute of Technical Physics on the laser free beam line at the DLR site in Lampoldshausen. The Atmospheric Propagation and Effects department thus combines expertise in beam propagation, together with numerical simulation, with applications from DLR's cross-sectional topic of safety.

Research Topics


Research Infrastructure


Groups within the Department



Dr. Frank Duschek

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Technische Physik
Atmosphärische Propagation und Wirkung
Langer Grund, 74239 Lampoldshausen