
In the following lines, a list of scientific publications written in the last four years.


Hertkorn, Katharina; Hulin, Thomas; Kremer, Philipp; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2010): Time Domain Passivity Control for Multi-Degree of Freedom Haptic Systems with Time Delay. In: Proceedings, IEEE/ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 3-8, Anchorage, Alaska.


Schmirgel, Volker; Zimmermann, Uwe E.; Yechiam, Eldad; Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carstens (2009): Comprehension of Operating a Robot by Enactive Learning: Examplary Approaches with Programming-by-Demonstration. In: Proceedings of the SKILLS09 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces for Skills Transfer, Dec. 2009, Bilbao, Spain.

Schaetzle, Simon; Preusche, Carsten and Hirzinger, Gerd (2009): Workspace Optimization of the Robocoaster Used as a Motion Simulator. In: Proceedings of the 14th IASTED. International Conference on Robotics and Applications, Seiten 470-744, 02.-04. Nov. 2009, Cambridge, USA.

Kuschel, Martin und Kremer, Philipp und Buss, Martin (2009) Passive Haptic Data-Compression Methods With Perceptual Coding for Bilateral Presence Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics , 39 (6) , Seiten 1142-1151. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc . DOI: 10.1109/TSMCA.2009.2034426. ISSN 1083-4427

Sargardia, Mikel; Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2009): A Benchmark of Force Quality in Haptic Rendering. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 19.-24. July 2009, San Diego, USA.

Kremer, Philipp und Kuschel, Martin und Preusche, Carsten und Buss, Martin und Hirzinger, Gerd (2009) Passive Event-Based Extrapolation for Lossy Haptic Data Compression in Bilateral Presence Systems. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation , 12-17 May 2009 , Kobe, Japan.

Kremer, Philipp und Wimböck, Thomas und Artigas, Jordi und Schätzle, Simon und Jöhl, Klaus und Schmidt, Florian und Preusche, Carsten und Hirzinger, Gerd (2009) Multimodal telepresent control of DLR’s Rollin’ JUSTIN. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation , 12-17 May 2009 , Kobe, Japan.

Gil, Jorge Juan; Sanchez, Emilio; Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2009): Stability Boundary for Haptic Rendering: Influence of Damping and Delay. In: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 9 (1). ISSN 1530-9827.


Artigas, Jordi; Preusche, Carsten; Borghesan, Gianni; Melchiorri, Claudio (2008): Bilateral Energy Transfer in Delayed Teleoperation on the Time Domain. In: Proceedings, IEEE/ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena (CA), USA, S. 671 - 676

Hosseini, Ali; Artigas, Jordi; Preusche, Carsten; Brunberg, Anja; Hirzinger, Gerd (2008): Online Passive Reconstruction -Based Bilateral Control under Time-Varying Communication Delay and Packet-Loss. In: 5th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, ENACTIVE, Pisa, Italy

Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2008): Stability Boundary for Haptic Rendering: Influence of Human Operator. In: Proceedings, IROS 2008, Nice (Frankreich), 2008-09

Hulin, Thomas; Sagardia, Mikel; Artigas, Jordi; Schaetzle, Simon; Kremer, Philipp; Preusche, Carsten (2008): Human-Scale Bimanual Haptic Interface. In: Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Pisa (Italien), 2008-11-08

Niemeyer, Günter; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2008): Chapter: Telerobotics. In: Khatib, Oussama; Siciliano, Bruno [Hrsg.]: Handbook of Robotics, Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-23957-4

Preusche, Carsten; Hulin, Thomas; Hirzinger, Gerd (2008): Haptic Rendering and Control. In: Human Haptic Perception: Basics and Applications, Birkhäuser Basel, ISBN 9783764376116

Radi, Marwan; Artigas, Jordi; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2008): Transparency Measurement of Telepresence Systems. In: Haptics: Perception, Devices and Scenarios., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN 0302-9743

Sagardia, Mikel (2008): Enhancements of the voxmap-pointshell algorithm., DLR-IB 515-08/4

Sagardia, Mikel; Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2008): Improvements of the Voxmap-PointShell Algorithm - Fast Generation of Haptic Data-Structures. 53rd Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Illmenau, 2008-09-08 - 2008-09-12

Stoll, Enrico; Artigas, Jordi; Preusche, Carsten; Kremer, Philipp; Letschnik, Jürgen; Pongrac, Helena; Walter, Ulrich (2008): Ground Verification of the Feasibility of Telepresent On-Orbit Servicing. Journal of Field Robotics.


Artigas, Jordi; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2007): Time Domain Passivity for delayed Haptic Telepresence with Energy Reference. In: Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, S. 1612 - 1617, IEEE / IROS, San Diego, CA (USA)

Bellana, Jordi (2007): Design and Implementation of an Encountered-type Haptic Display: "What You See Is What You Feel". Bachelor, S. 100, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona. DLR-IB 515-2007/10

Gil, J.J.; Sanchez, E.; Hulin, T.; Preusche, C.; Hirzinger, G. (2007): Stability Boundary for Haptic Rendering: Influence of Damping and Delay. In: in Proceedings, IEEE, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Rom

Hulin, Thomas; Kremer, Philipp; Scheibe, Robert; Schaetzle, Simon; Preusche, Carsten (2007): Evaluating Two Novel Tactile Feedback Devices. In: Prodeedings of ENACTIVE, 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Grenoble, France, 2007-11-192007-11-22

Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2007): Haptics in Telerobotics. The Visual Computer, 23 (4), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, S. 273 - 284, DOI 10.1007/s00371-007-0101-3, ISSN 0178-2789 (Print) 1432-2315 (Online)

Schätzle, Simon (2007): Aufbau und Regelung eines Satelliten Simulators für On-Orbit Servicing., DLR IB 515-07-8, 102 S.

Schmirgel, Volker; Zimmermann, Uwe E.; Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten (2007): Position Paper: Human Skills for Programming-by-Demonstration of Robots. In: Bergamasco, Massimo [Hrsg.]: Beyond Movement, 18

Schroth, Georg; Preusche, Carsten; Hinterseer, Peter (2007): Astronautic Communication for Telepresence Applications. In: Proceedings, 13th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications, Würzburg, 2007-08-29 - 2007-08-31, ISBN 978-0-88986-685-0

Stelzer, Martin (2007): Entwurf einer generischen Daten- und Kommandoschnittstelle zur Steuerung von Teilsystemen orbitaler Service-Satelliten., DLR-IB 515-2007/32

Wu, Zhongyang (2007): Adaption of the Inverse Kinematics of the DLR Light Weight Robot for Its Use as Haptic Device., DLR-IB 515-2007/37

F. Zacharias, Ch. Borst, and G. Hirzinger. Capturing robot workspace structure:representing robot capabilities. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 3229–3236, San Diego, California, Oct. 2007.


Artigas, Jordi; Vilanova, Jordi; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerhard (2006): Time Domain Passivity Control based Telepresence with Time Delay. In: Proceedings, IEEE/IROS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, S. 4205 - 4210, RSJ, Beijing, China, 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-15

Artigas, Jordi; Kremer, Philipp; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2006): Testbed for Telepresent On-Orbit Satellite Servicing. In: Second International Workshop on Human-Centered Robotic Systems, HCRS06, München, 2006-10

Artigas Esclusa, Jordi; Reintsema, Detlef; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2006): DIMSART: A Real Time Device Independent Modular Software Architecture For Robotic And Telerobotic Applications. In: Braz, José; Araújo, Helder; Vieira, Alves; Encarnaçao, Bruno [Hrsg.]: Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics I, Springer, ISBN 1-4020-4136-5

Bajcinca, Naim; Hulin, Thomas (2006): Menge aller robust stabilisierenden PID-Regler: Methodik und Software (Teil II). at - Automatisierungstechnik, Oldenbourg Verlag, S. 240 - 246

Bajcinca, Naim; Hulin, Thomas (2006): Menge aller robust stabilisierenden PID-Regler: Methodik und Software (Teil III). at - Automatisierungstechnik, 54, Oldenbourg Verlag, S. 515 - 519, DOI 10.1524/auto.2006.54.10.515

Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2006): Stability Boundary and Design Criteria for Haptic Rendering of Virtual Walls. In: Proceedings, SYROCO 2006 (8th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control), Bologna, Italy, 2006-09-06 - 2006-09-08

Hulin, Thomas;Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerhard (2006): Stability Boundary for Haptic Rendering: Influence of Physical Damping. In: Proceedings, IEEE/IROS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, S. 1570 - 1575, RSJ, Beijing, China, 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-15

Hulin, Thomas; Gil, Jorge Juan; Sanchez, Emilio; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerhard (2006): Experimental Stability Analysis of a Haptic System. In: Proceedings, S. 157 - 158, ENACTIVE/06 Enaction & Complexity, Montpellier (France), 2006-11-20 – 2006-11-21

Landzettel, Klaus;Preusche, Carsten; Albu-Schaffer, Alin; Reintsema, Detlef; Rebele, Bernhard; Hirzinger, Gerhard (2006): Robotic On-Orbit Servicing - DLR's Experience and Perspective. In: Proceedings, IEEE/IROS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, S. 4587 - 4594, RSJ, Beijing, China, 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-15

Plafka, Andreas; Preusche, Carsten (2006): Entwicklung eines Treibers für den integrierten DLR Kraft-Momenten-Sensor., DLR-IB 515-06-22, 100 S.

Preusche, Carsten; Reintsema, Detlef; Landzettel, Klaus; Hirzinger, Gerhard (2006): Robotics Component Verification on ISS ROKVISS - Preliminary Results for Telepresence. In: Proceedings, IEEE, S. 4595 - 4601, IROS, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-15

Preusche, Carsten (2006): Haptics and Telerobotics. IST 2006 - Haptex Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 2006-11-23

Radi, Marwan (2006): Transparency Measurement of Telepresence Systems. Diplomarbeit, S. 110, Universitaet Siegen (Robotik)

Schätzle, Simon (2006): Entwicklung eines vibrotaktilen Feedback-Geräts für den Unterarm. In: Semensterarbeit, DLR-IB 515-2006/12

Schätzle, Simon; Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2006): Evalution of Vibro-Tactile Feedback to the Human Arm., S. 557 - 560 EuroHaptics 2006, Paris

Schroth, Georg (2006): Raumfahrt-Kommunikation für Telepräsenzanwendungen., DLR-IB 515-06-21, 89 S.

Stoll, Enrico; Letschnik, Jürgen; Walter, Ulrich; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerd (2006): Concept of an Algorithm to Determine the Signal Delay Time for Telepresence Space Applications. In: Proc. of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana (USA), 2006-03-04 - 2006-03-11


Artigas Esclusa, Jordi; Preusche, Carsten (2005): Time-delayed Telepresence Introduction to passivity based bilateral control. In: EU Network of Excellence on Enactive Interfaces [Hrsg.]: Quarterly Seminar on Enactive Interfaces, Europaeisches Virtuelles Seminar, 2005-11-4

Bajcinca, Naim; Hulin, Thomas (2005): RobSin: Software-Werkzeug zum Entwurf robuster PID-Regler., DLR-IB 515-2005/18

Bajcinca, Naim; Hulin, Thomas (2005): Menge aller robust stabilisierenden PID-Regler: Methodik und Software Teil (1). at - Automatisierungstechnik (11), Oldenbourg Verlag, S. 556 - 564

Diener, Markus (2005): Spezifikation und Implementierung eines Protokolls zur Konfiguration von telepräsenzfähigen Geräten., DLR-IB 515-2005/12

Hirzinger, Gerd; Landzettel, Klaus; Reintsema, Detlef; Preusche, Carsten; Albu-Schaeffer, Alin; Rebele, Bernd; Turk, Matthias (2005): ROKVISSROBOTICS COMPONENT VERIFICATION ON ISS. In: Proc. of, The 8th International Symposium on Artifical Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space - iSAIRAS, Munich, Germany, [2005-09-05 - 2005-09-08], ISBN 92-9092-914-6, ISSN 1609-042X

Hulin, Thomas; Preusche, Carsten; Hirzinger, Gerhard (2005): Haptic rendering for virtual assembly verification. In: Proceedings, IEEE, WHC World Haptics Conference, Pisa, 2005-03-18 - 2005-03-20

Joehl, Klaus; Preusche, Carsten; Reintsema, Detlef; Hirzinger, Gerd (2005): High Fidelity USB Force Feedback Joystick. In: World Haptic Confernce, WHC 2005, Pisa (Italy), 2005-03-18 - 2005-03-20

Otterbach, Martin (2005): Software-Werkzeug zur Diskretierung virtueller 3D-Objekte., DLR-IB 515-2005/5

Preusche, Carsten; Reintsema, Detlef; Ortmaier, Tobias; Hirzinger, Gerd (2005): The DLR Telepresence Experience in Space and Surgery. In: Buss, Martin; Kakikura, Masayoshi [Hrsg.]: Proceedings of Joint International COE/HAM-SFB453, The 21st Century COE Project Office (Japan), S. 35 - 40, Joint International COE/HAM-SFB453, Tokyo (Japan), 2005-10-06

Ryu, Jee-Hwan; Preusche, Carsten; Hannaford, Blake; Hirzinger, Gerd (2005): Time domain passivity control with reference energy following. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 13 (5), S. 737 - 742, DOI 10.1109/TCST.2005.847336

Vilanova, Jordi (2005): Time Domain Passivity -based Bilateral Control Design. Diplomarbeit, S. 115, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona.