Aeronautics Research at DLR

Programms and strategy

Video: Take off für die Luftfahrt der Zukunft

"DLR's ultimate vision is zero-emission aviation. Getting there will require a disruptive approach and brand new technology: our new aviation strategy sees the aircraft and air transport as an overall system. Achieving climate-neutral flight entails a considerable need for research and development[.]"

Prof. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla (Chair of the DLR Executive Board)

The DLR's new aviation strategy sets out the development challenges that need to be overcome on the way to climate-friendly flying. The question of alternative propulsion systems in particular shows that no one innovation is suitable for all areas of aviation. Different combinations of propulsion technology and energy sources, staggered over time and with the size of the aircraft, are promising solutions. This results in a broad spectrum of necessary research efforts for new low-emission aviation propulsion systems that together cover all routes.

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See also the DLR Website for further information.