Department Virtual Engine and Numerical Methods

As the name of the "Virtual Engine and Numerical Methods" department suggests, this department combines research activities on the "virtual engine" and on cross-scale numerical methods as virtual test benches for new engine solutions.

The development of new and significantly more environmentally friendly engines is no longer conceivable without the use of modern software tools and the associated numerical methods. With the "virtual engine", the engine (and the gas turbine) is modeled in its entirety, so that all physical aspects, the components of the engine across all scale levels and their interactions with each other are taken into account.

The cross-scale procedures on both the aerodynamic and structural-mechanical side allow so-called virtual testing of new engine solutions, whereby it can be investigated on the computer whether these new solutions can cope with the complex and challenging requirements of long-term use under operating conditions and offer the necessary robustness and durability.

The continuous digitalization of all processes and resources is important for all of the department's work as an overarching link between testing and simulation. This makes it possible to compare and validate the digital models with experimental data. The aim is to use machine learning methods to describe the simulation models so efficiently that they can be compared with the experimental data in real time.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Reh

Deputy Director & Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Test and Simulation for Gas Turbines