Quality and product assurance

Quality and product assurance at DLR
Quality and product assurance coordinates, plans, develops, monitors and ensures the processes for DLR-wide quality and environmental management, quality and product assurance and the implementation of the strategic objectives of standardisation.

The aim of Quality and Product Assurance at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) is to meet the highest standards of quality, sustainability and the environment in research, development and management. We achieve this by implementing quality and environmental management, management systems and their auditing as well as product assurance in order to guarantee excellent research results, research products and services.

The department coordinates, plans, develops, monitors and secures the processes for DLR-wide quality and environmental management, quality and product assurance and the implementation of the strategic objectives of standardisation. Standardisation is an important building block for the transfer of know-how to society.

The DLR Quality Management Representative is responsible for the DLR management system, its compliance and further development. He is the head of Quality and product assurance and has the authority to issue guidelines for the areas of quality management and auditing at DLR as well as for the topics of standardisation, qualification, product and quality assurance.

The department reports to the Administrative Board. Further information can be found in the Executive Board area of the Deputy Chairman.

Contributions of quality and product assurance to DLR topics