About Matthias Noeker
Matthias Noeker is a scientific staff member at the German Space Agency at DLR in the Department of Space Science (Group of Solar System Research).
After his studies in Mechanical Engineering in Siegen and Portsmouth, his education fully focused on space. Matthias studied Aerospace Engineering in Delft, where he specialised in Spaceflight and Space Exploration. His first experience in the field of asteroid research was during an internship at Queen's University in Canada.
After a short stay at the DLR Institute of Materials Physics in Space, Matthias moved to Belgium for his doctorate. There he worked at the Royal Observatory of Belgium and the Université catholique de Louvain on the development of the GRASS asteroid gravimeter for ESA's Hera Planetary Defence Mission. In addition to developing the instrument, he simulated the gravity of asteroids and other small bodies in the Solar System.