About Pierre-François Migeotte
Pierre-François Migeotte is a Physicist (ULB-1996) with a PhD in biomedical signal processing applied to space physiology (ULB-2003). He is passionate about space exploration, astronauts and their cardiovascular health and entrepreneurship. Several years of R&D in the field of space physiology, and cardiac monitoring of astronauts in microgravity, lead him to design the Kinocardiograph: a small automated wearable system able to provide unique information on cardiac mechanical function. After building a team of young scientists with the same passion for the development of mobile digital health solutions for cardiac monitoring, he is now dedicating all his energy in making this technology available for the largest number. The same Kinocardiograph will be used by astronauts in the International Space Station, participants in the AGBRESA bedrest studies and patients with a cardiac condition requiring telemonitoring.