PLATO - Scientific Aims

The primary goal of PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) is to open a new way in exoplanetary science by detecting terrestrial exoplanets and characterising their bulk properties, including planets in the habitable zone of Sun-like stars. PLATO will provide the key information (planet radii, mean densities, stellar irradiation, and architecture of planetary systems) needed to determine the habitability of these unexpectedly diverse new worlds. PLATO will answer the profound and captivating question: how common are worlds like ours and are they suitable for the development of life?

Key science goals

  • Detection of terrestrial exoplanets up to the habitable zone of solar-type stars and characterisation of their bulk properties needed to determine their habitability.
  • Characterisation of hundreds of rocky (including Earth twins), icy or giant planets, including the architecture of their planetary system, to fundamentally enhance our understanding of the formation and the evolution of planetary systems.
  • These goals will be achieved through:
  • planet detection and radius determination (3% precision) from photometric transits;
  • determination of planet masses (better than 10% precision) from ground-based radial velocity follow-up,
  • determination of accurate stellar masses, radii, and ages (10% precision) from asteroseismology,
  • identification of bright targets for atmospheric spectroscopy.

Partners: more than 20 organizations in Europe and Brasil.

Involved Institutes & Partners

PLATO Publications