Wind Energy Experiments
The Braunschweig Wind Energy Experiments (WX) facility is a young, growing organisational unit founded as part of the continuation of wind energy research by the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
In an already ongoing second expansion phase, a smaller modular wind turbine (approximately 500 kW, with a rotor diameter of 40 m and hub height of 50 m) and another 70 m high meteorological measurement mast will be erected. The BETA-Wind project presented here aims to support the safe operation and reliable availability of the research park for scientific purposes. This includes regular and irregular maintenance of the measurement technology on-site and parts of the administrative operation involving the provision of measurement data and technical documentation, administrative management, as well as the support of initial campaigns post-commissioning. Furthermore, BETA-Wind will analyze the operational processes of the research park and adapt them to changing conditions in science and the economy to ensure the availability and quality of the large research infrastructure and to ensure broad usability of the generated measurement data. To ensure industrial relevance and thus technology transfer to the economy, regular workshops with and for the industry will be held.
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) over Projektträger Jülich (PTJ)