Ground Vehicles Department

ICE3-Modell bei der Tunneleinfahrt an der TSG, Credit: DLR (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
Vehicles and infrastructure tunnel measurement
Tunnel entry of ICE3 model on TSG

Research on the aerodynamics of ground vehicles and new ventilation concepts for the transport modes of the future

In the department Ground Vehicles, we investigate all aspects of vehicle aerodynamics including various ventilation concepts using both experimental and numerical methods.


Our team Vehicles and Infrastructure focuses on determining transient aerodynamic loads on vehicles, problems encountered when high-speed trains pass through tunnels, and the development of adaptive train geometries. Our scientists of the Transport Systems team develop and apply concepts for predicting and measuring road and rail traffic noise, improve the aerodynamics of freight trains and develop basic methods to investigate noise generation and propagation. Our team Vehicle Ventilation and Air-Conditioning deals with efficient cabin ventilation, thermal comfort and air quality in passenger compartments as well as with the investigation of condensation processes at different locations in the vehicle.

The large-scale research facilities crosswind simulation facility (SWG), tunnel simulation facility (TSG), generic train laboratory (GZG), modular cabin mockup (MKG), aerodynamic measurement techniques (AMG), Do728 aircraft cabin test facility are available for our work and are continuously being improved and used within the scope of projects with our industry partners.

Main research topics


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Wagner

Head of Department
Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology
Ground Vehicles
Bunsenstr. 10, 37073 Göttingen