Department: Space segment

The space section of the Responsive Space Cluster Competence Center creates the research basis for a secure space infrastructure and promotes innovation for more resilience in space. The department is involved in the development and evaluation of concepts and technologies as well as the creation of a knowledge basis for Responsive Space. The space segment aims to experimentally advance the integration and testing of responsive deployment of (military) payloads on small satellites.

We are researching concepts for resilient space infrastructure based on possible threat scenarios. In doing so, we orientate ourselves towards the needs of the public client and its security sectors. For this purpose, we develop new application concepts (use cases) for the use of small satellites and their constellations for military and security-related purposes in close cooperation with the public client.

Our task is to conduct scientific concept and technology studies on the flexibility, resilience and interoperability of space-based architectures and to evaluate the contribution to the further development of so-called Responsive Space Capabilities.

Inside RSTEC

At the same time, we analyse small satellite systems with regard to their compatibility with safety-relevant payloads. Based on the six Space Functional Areas (Position-Navigation-Time Measurement, Earth Observation-Reconnaissance, Space Situational Awareness, Satellite Communication, Space Weather, Early Warning), we analyse the requirements placed on the satellite platforms by the necessary sensors and test interfaces. The aim of our experimental research is to identify suitable standards and modular components that significantly accelerate the ad-hoc integration of satellite systems and their validation. At the same time, we are working on the optimisation of AIT (Assembly, Integration, Test) processes and show how an accelerated deployment of a mission can be made possible while balancing other design parameters.

To this end, the Space Segment operates a technology testing centre, the Responsive Space Technology Evaluation Center (RSTEC) at the DLR site in Trauen. In addition to researching AIT processes, the RSTEC also enables the construction and qualification of flight-ready demonstrator missions.

In line with the cluster concept of the RSC³, the Space Centre is specifically involved in collaborations with other research institutes and industrial companies that have a connection to Responsive Space and strengthening resilience in space.

The attitude control testbed