Heated Vacuum Tooling

Thermoplastic technology at our institute is based on process technologies such as vacuum consolidation and vacuum moulding. The focus of research work today is on the integration of pre-consolidated components (e.g. stringers or functional materials) with other thermoplastic components (co-consolidation). The heated table consists of an electrical heating (heating cartridges) with single zone control to ensure homogeneous warming up of the table surface and to control the temperature distribution over the whole area. Vacuum channels are integrated into the table top to create a vacuum.


  • max. temperature: 400 °C
  • working area: 1,200 x 3,000 mm

On this table flat plates or curved shapes can be heated and consolidated. For extremely curved surfaces, additional heating emitters or heating mats can be used.The table can be used due to its work temperature for consolidating CF-PEEK (400 °C) and also for vacuum infusion with the VARI and RTM6 (180 °C) process.Due to the modular building method a simple change of size is possible to other dimensions by changing over or providing heating racks and substitution of the iron plate. Contrary to heated presses and autoclaves, large parts can therefore be manufactured cost-effectively without a furnace.


Georg Doll

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Structures and Design
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart