Member of the Bundestag Ralph Lenkert visits DLR in Jena
On Friday, August 19, 2022, member of the German Bundestag Ralph Lenkert (Die Linke) visited the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Jena. There he gained an insight into the research work of theDLR Institute of Data Science Andreas Peter, acting site manager, welcomed the MP and introduced him to the DLR site in Thuringia and the sites in the eastern region. Dr. Marcus Paradies, acting head of the Institute of Data Science, informed Ralph Lenkert about the research tasks of the Institute of Data Science as well as current topics and projects. Dr. Carolin Altmann then gave a first insight into the DLR_School_Lab Jena. The school laboratory will be officially opened in the Thuringian university city on September 28, 2022.