Advanced navigation technologies and traffic management for safe and efficient guidance in UAM

ANTS addresses key fundamental open problems for advanced safety-oriented flight guidance and navigation methods to safely, robustly, and reliably enable the future envisioned throughput of hundreds of safe landings and takeoffs per hour for urban air mobility (UAM) in urban areas.

Aim of ANTS

The ANTS research group brings together the expertise of the Institute of Communications and Navigation in the field of high-integrity navigation solutions for aeronautics with the expertise of the Institute of Flight Guidance in the field of urban air traffic management. The goal of the project is to develop innovative new approaches for the safe guidance and navigation of aircraft in UAM scenarios, especially during approach, landing and takeoff. The focus technologies to be developed in the project include:

  • Development of a flight guidance concept for vertiports and quantification of navigation requirements to make control of UAM air traffic safe and efficient
  • Camera-based navigation with integrity information for reliable and safe landings in urban environments
  • U-GBAS (Urban-Ground-Based Augmentation System) to provide local GNSS corrections and integrity information

Project data



4 years

Participating institutes

DLR Institute of Communications and Navigation


RWTH Aachen University (Chair of Navigation)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Meurer

Head of the Navigation Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Communications and Navigation
Münchener Straße 20, 82234 Oberpfaffenhofen-Wessling