Availability of communication connections and current data

Adobe Stock / Sikov

Disaster events pose major challenges for civil protection and disaster control. This applies in particular to the availability of communication links and up-to-date data, e.g. on affected critical infrastructures or the accessibility of the disaster area for the safe transportation of goods.

The RESITEK project, led by the Institute of Flight Systems and the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, aims to establish a common data and visualization portal that provides a holistic view of a crisis situation and enables emergency services to take targeted and efficient action. In addition, the system should be able to monitor critical infrastructures in normal situations and provide recommendations for action. The operational capability will be demonstrated in a final demonstration in conjunction with reconnaissance technologies, various ground and airborne vehicles and other operational aspects. The combination of different research programs will bring together expertise from all DLR research fields of energy, aeronautics, space, transport and security. The technologies developed for civil defense and disaster management will be tested and demonstrated using a flood scenario in a rural area and a storm scenario in an urban area

The project focuses on the following topics: Space weather (impact on people and energy infrastructure), resilience of power grids (creation of island grids), mobility in extraordinary situations (use of electric cars for grids, escape and accessibility), remote control and mission planning (including communication and navigation) and the development of a common operational picture (based on a variety of mission vehicles). This results in a scenario- and user-open approach for the RESITEK project and the motivation to develop a modular and continuously expandable system. In the RESITEK project, the Institute of Flight Guidance is leading the main work package on disaster relief and the thematic focus on remote control and mission planning.

The RESITEK project addresses the following objectives

  • Development of monitoring methods for weather conditions and energy supply
  • Resilience analysis of the power supply including effects on the population and dependent entities and derivation of recommendations for action to increase resilience
  • Development of a user-orientated process chain for efficient situational awareness

Topics of the Institute of Flight Guidance in RESITEK

  • Coordinated mission planning for all ground and airborne resources using robust communication and navigation
  • Central visualisation of the developed methods and process chains for the model regions in the respective damage scenario
  • Final demonstration of the information system in combination with a deployment scenario with various vehicles (incl. drones, rovers, autonomous cars)


RESITEK (Resilient technologies for disaster protection)


Institut für Flugsystemtechnik (Lead)

Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum

Institut für Flugführung

Galileo Kompetenzzentrum

Institut für KI-Sicherheit

Institut für Kommunikation und Navigation

Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin

Institut für Materialphysik im Weltraum

Institut für Optische Sensorsysteme

Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre

Institut für den Schutz terrestrischer Infrastrukturen Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik

Institut für Solar-Terrestrische Physik

Institut für Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik

Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik

Institut für Vernetzte Energiesysteme

Institut für Verkehrsforschung


2024 - 2026


Institutional funding


Dr.rer.nat. Dagi Geister

Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Institute of Flight Guidance
Head of Department: Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig