May 31, 2024

Urban Air Mobility Network GURS visits DLR Braunschweig site

On Friday 31st May, the Institute of Flight Guidance, supported by the Institute of Flight Systems and the National Experimental Test Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, hosted the GURS network meeting (Global Urban Air Mobility Regional Summit) at the DLR site Braunschweig. At this event, the international guests from South Korea, the USA and the Netherlands had the opportunity to exchange ideas with DLR researchers in the field of urban air mobility (UAM) and learn about their latest research results.

During their visit, the GURS delegation toured several simulators and laboratories at the DLR Air Traffic Validation Center, including an air taxi simulator, the UAS laboratory and the remote tower laboratory. The AVES cockpit simulator from the Institute of Flight Systems was also demonstrated.

GURS is a global network for the development, improvement and networking of the UAM industry. It was founded to make practical contributions to urban air mobility for the development of future cities.

Last year, in 2023, a delegation from the Institute of Flight Guidance visited the city of Incheon in South Korea and became a member of the GURS network as part of the K-UAM Confex conference. This was now followed by a return visit by the international GURS network to DLR in Braunschweig.

Before their visit, the GURS delegation took part in the International Drone Show, which took place from 28 to 30 May in Odense, Denmark. Researchers from the two DLR institutes also took part in this event as speakers.


Michael Drews

Public Relations Officer
Institute of Flight Guidance
Management Services and AT-One
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig