The EU-Project HI-DRIVE addresses a number of key challenges that currently hinder the progress of vehicle automation developments.

The EU-Project Hi-Drive addresses a number of key challenges, which are currently hindering the progress of developments in vehicle automation. Our key aim is to advance the state of the art of Automated Driving (AD) technologies. We focus on testing, demonstrating, and evaluating robust high automation functions in a large set of traffic environments, not currently achievable.

HI-DRIVE will push automated driving further towards high automation

The objective is to make automation reliable by deploying intelligent vehicle technologies in conditions and scenarios that have not been extensively tested or demonstrated in global transport.

Project title and website:

07/2021 to 06/2025

Project Volume:
€ 60.000.000 (Public Funding € 30 Mil.)

€ 30 million. HI-DRIVE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006664.

Project Coordinator:
Aria Etemad, Volkswagen AG


Further Links:

Related Projects:

This project is managed by the department:


Dr. Tobias Hesse

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transportation Systems
Research Cooperative Systems
Rutherfordstr. 2, 12489 Berlin