Online Survey on investment decisions (German only)
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The InvestAgent research project is investigating how investment decisions in the electricity sector can be modelled as realistically as possible. Can the decisions made in the model contribute both to achieving the current climate targets and to long-term security of supply? The focus is on investment decisions in renewable energy generation and flexible balancing capacities.
The project team conducted an online survey in summer 2024. This provides important information and fundamental insights for analysing investing stakeholders. The survey was aimed at people from companies that invest in renewable energy generation and flexible balancing capacities in the electricity system. It was aimed at people who are involved in the processes of calculation and/or decision preparation in the area of "investment decisions". Banks, credit institutions and financiers who provide financing for investment projects in the electricity sector were also addressed.
InvestAgent will use the short summary and other findings to develop the investment decision logic for the agent-based AMIRIS model. Among other things, a simulation of the long-term development of the electricity system will use the empirical data basis for parameterisation. The database will be supplemented by interviews and data from scientific research and public sources.
Please feel free to contact us: The team is pleased to receive further suggestions of any kind!