Lighthouse project: Power-to-Gas

Applied R&D for an economic generation of renewable eH2

Power-to-Gas is a process for the storage of green electricity and for the generation of CO2-neutral fuels (hydrogen and methane). The outstanding importance of Power-to-Gas for future load management and for a promising future, sustainable mobility - and thus for the decisive elements of the energy system transformation - among energy policy actors in Germany is undisputed. The validity of the concept has been shown by ZSW, who has been able to achieve a technically flawless functioning within the framework of several projects. They could thereby smooth the way for industrialization. With the present Power-to-Gas project, the ZSW and its partners from industry and research are now taking the final scientific course for the economic use of the process. The aim is to provide economic actors (energy suppliers, automotive industry and companies from the machine-, component- and plant engineering industries) a sustainable concept for clean, innovative mobility.

Research Project Power-to-Gas



January 2014 until January 2019

Funded by

Ministry of Finance Baden-Württemberg

Project Participants

It is planned to operate an industrial 1-megawatt plant for the production of regenerative hydrogen (eH2), which can be used as a fuel for the propulsion of fuel cell vehicles. The results of the applied R&D are to be used for further research and development in order to increase efficiency and reduce cost. In particular, the core component electrolysis should be developed further at the plant location, i.e. under industrial conditions "on the market". In the course of the project, it is planned to develop an improved 300 kW electrolysis block and to test it within the demonstration plant. Also the associated components and subsystems (compressors, rectifiers, pressure vessels, analytics, safety engineering) should be analysed together with the corresponding companies with regard to cost and efficiency potentials. The aim is to develop promising ideas that can be realized in power-to-gas products that can lead to the production of series modules. The planned technological development is the basis for the production of green fuels in the domestic and international markets. This would allow making an important contribution to achieve CO2-neutral mobility in the future.

The plans outlined here thus contain much more than just another power-to-gas project in Germany. Rather, the lighthouse project that we are striving for includes an entire series of unique selling propositions: For the first time, a strongly application-oriented technology development is planned directly at the plant location with a close integration of companies in the energy supply, mechanical and plant engineering sectors and automotive industry. The applied research of the leading R&D institutes in the state of Baden-Württemberg will provide the basis for the further development of Power-to-Gas towards cost and efficiency goals that are essential for a broad market launch. Another added value is the possibility to further use the improved 300 kW electrolysis block after the R&D work has been completed. This way it can contribute to the economical operation of the Power-to-Gas plant. Last but not least, the project is another important building block for the supply of fuel cell vehicles. More than 1000 environmentally and climate-friendly fuel cell cars can use the eH2 produced in the plant - not only a quantity symbolic, but also a first concrete step towards a sustainable mobility strategy.


Energy Scenarios and Technology Assessment

Research Group
Institute of Networked Energy Systems