Research Project INTEEVER

Analysis of infrastructural options to integrate renewable energies in Germany and Europe considering security of supply



The integration of high shares of spatially and temporally distributed fluctuating energy resources is an increasing challenge for the future energy supply. In order to integrate renewable energies into the energy system while ensuring the security of supply at the same time, an extensive transformation of existing energy infrastructures is necessary.

Research project INTEEVER



January 2015 until April 2018

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Funding within the 6th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government

Project Participants

Therefore, energy storage, inter-regional power transmission, demand side management as well as a flexible power generation will play a major role for the energy supply in the future. The main objective of the project INTEEVER was to investigate the importance of these flexibility options on a regional, national and European level applying an integrated modelling approach. For this purpose the cooperation of DLR, IFK and IWES brought together experts in the fields of scenario development and energy system modelling.

The key element of the model based analyses was DLR’s energy system model REMix which determines the optimal operation and composition of the European electricity system from a macroeconomic point of view. Further investigations are focusing on future challenges and restrictions occurring on the level of the transmission and distribution grids as well as an analysis of behavioural aspects regarding important actors in the energy sector. So INTEEVER strived to provide an overall analysis of the future energy system from different perspectives.


Energy Scenarios and Technology Assessment

Research Group
Institute of Networked Energy Systems