DiRaWi-2 - Digital framework architecture for the virtual wind farm

DiRaWi2 Frame Architecture
Sketch of the digital framework architecture of DiRaWi2

DLR, all rights reserved

In the DLR project DiRaWi-2, the project partners from a total of nine institutes are developing a digital framework architecture that makes it possible to create a virtual image of the DLR Research Wind Farm (WiValdi). To this end, the scientists are linking the simulation tools of the participating partners in one or more chains. The basis for the coupling of the different tools is the program RCE (Remote Component Environment) developed at DLR, which allows a flexible and modular coupling of the different tools on different computers and operating systems. The standardization of the data exchange between the different simulation tools is based on the Common Parametric Aircraft Configuration Schema, or CPACS for short, which already exists in aviation. For this purpose, an XSD schema with all variables required for a wind farm is defined and created.

The demonstration and verification of the tool chains is done by simulating two use cases: Power prediction and a fault scenario. For this purpose, the project participants first define the required input variables, goal functions and boundary conditions and then match these with experimental data from WiValdi after the simulation has been completed. With the well-documented, modularly expandable development environment aimed at here, DiRaWi-2 lays the foundation for the successively continued development of the virtual wind farm with internal and external actors and long-term exploitation perspective.

The DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology is leading the project and, from an aerodynamic point of view, is conducting application cases and evaluating the simulations, among other things.

DiRaWi-2 - Digitale Rahmenarchitektur mit wirtschaftlicher Anschlussfähigkeit 2
1/2023 -12/2025
  • DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology (Leader)
  • DLR Institute of Aeroelasticity
  • DLR Institute of  Flight Systems
  • DLR Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures
  • DLR Institute of Atmospheric Physics
  • DLR Institute of Software Technology
  • DLR Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization
  • DLR Institute of Lightweight Systems
  • DLR Facility Wind Energy Experiments
  • DLR Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics (associated partner)
  • DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems (associated partner)


Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology