
Infrastructure and transformation

The InTra project (short for Infrastructure and Transformation) deals with the diverse issues of the major upheaval that is emerging in the railway infrastructure as the backbone of rail transport.

Motivation and goals

"Reliable, flexible and compatible infrastructures are the backbone of safe and efficient railway operations."

The aim of the InTra project is:

  • ... increasing the operational resilience of the railway system through targeted, risk-adapted integrated planning of maintenance, servicing and train operation.
  • ... ensuring a sustainable, high-performance railway system in the face of increased challenges in the course of the mobility transition and major upheavals caused by the establishment of new operating concepts and the introduction of the Deutschland-Takt. In addition to cost efficiency, the flexibility and sustainability of transport planning decisions in particular should be taken into account.
  • ... analysing customer requirements for the use of rail transport in order to be able to develop technologies and rail networks in line with customer requirements.
  • ... analyse the effects of the new technologies on stakeholders and develop a transformation path for selected rail transport market segments. Methods of optimisation, classical economics and innovation economics are used for this purpose.
  • ... the durable, human and environmentally friendly design of railway infrastructures.
  • ... to develop methods and tools for the complete life cycle of highly automated or autonomous and digitalised rail systems that ensure the technical reliability of these systems during development and operation.
  • ... to develop and demonstrate verification approaches that can serve as a basis for the approval of innovative railway systems.
Infographic InTra TraCo

Project and sub-projects

InTra is funded from DLR's own resources. 8 DLR institutes and research facilities are involved. The project is led by the Institute of Transportation Systems. The project is organised in three closely linked sub-projects (TP). Each of the three sub-projects is managed by a sub-project leader.

+ TP 1: InTra Infrastructure

+ TP 2: InTra Transformation

+ TP 3: InTra Test & authorisation

Project duration

2022 until 2025


approx. € 12 million

Participating institutes


Insitute of Vehicles Concepts

Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart
Tel: +49 711 6862 256