Microwaves and Radar Institute - A Retrospective 1908 - 2008

Note that difficulties may occur if this document is displayed with Mozilla Firefox. We recommend Microsoft Edge. --- The present Microwaves and Radar Institute was founded in 1937 as the “Flugfunk-Forschungsinstitut Oberpfaffenhofen – FFO” (Aircraft Radio Research Institute Oberpfaffenhofen) under the leadership of Prof. Max Dieckmann. This is the origin of the DLR research site in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich. However, the Institute’s history can be traced back to 1908 when Dr. Max Dieckmann founded his private “Drahtlostelegraphische und Luftelektrische Versuchsanstalt Gräfelfing – DVG” (Wireless Telegraphic and Air Electricity Test Station Gräfelfing) located in Gräfelfing near Munich, 13 km from Oberpfaffenhofen.

A-Retrospective-Stand-19.12.2011_LoRes_20MB.pdf (PDF / 21MB)