Participants and Cooperations

Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK)

The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) was founded in 2004 as a contribution of the Federal Government to a new strategy for the protection of Germany’s population. Together with the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), the BBK as a supreme federal office within the department of the Federal Ministry of Interior (BMI) fulfils tasks related to civil security and danger prevention. The focus of the tasks is on civil protection and disaster assistance. Examples of the BBK’s responsibilities are planning and preparation measures for civil protection in times of danger and in the context of preventive security, training and advanced education activities, medical protection, warning and information of the population as well as expert and administrative advice to the BMI protection commission.

German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)

The German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is the operative civil protection organisation of the Federal Government of Germany. THW provides technical assistance both within Germany and abroad. Nationwide, more than 80.000 citizens volunteer in these activities at more than 700 local THW sections. THW offers a wide range of services, from acute emergency aid to long-term partnerships for civil reconstruction. Its “Rapid Deployment Units” enable the THW to react quickly and provide emergency humanitarian relief in case of a crisis situation.

Defence & Security Research at DLR

VABENE++ offers several applications for interdisciplinary areas within DLR. Develpments that are suitable for defence and security application are coordinated with DLR's Program Coordination Defence and Security Research in order to provide solutions to different authorities and organisations with security tasks.