VABENE++ – Traffic management for major events and disasters
The goal is to efficiently manage the required rescue logistics and the nearby traffic flow even under extreme conditions, thereby enabling response teams to rapidly reach the locations where they are needed.
Research focuses on such areas as simulation and large-scale traffic modelling, aerial traffic monitoring, traffic risk assessment, data fusion, data management, and further developing Web technologies in a GIS environment.
Project title:
VABENE++ Verkehrsmanagement bei Großereignissen und Katastrophen
01/2014 to 12/2018
Project participants:
DLR-Institute of Transportation Systems (Project management)
The Remote Sensing Technology Institute
The German Remote Sensing Data Center
DLR-Institute of Communications and Navigation
Microwaves and Radar Institute
DLR-Institute of Optical Sensor Systems
DLR-Flight Experiments Facility