In MOSAIK-2 the urban climate model PALM-4U, developed in the first phase of MOSAIK, will be extended and improved. The model simulates the urban climate in large cities with spatial resolutions of less than 10 m. The work package of DLR-LAX focusses on the spatial input data for the model. With the state-of-the-art but labor intensive input data set derived in the first phase of MOSAIK, now the focuses is on the possibilities of the use of German or globally free available data and the automated preprocessing thereof. In collaboration with the model developers also the model sensitivity towards the different spatial input parameter will be considered in this context.
MOSAIK-2 if funded by BMBF within the call “Stadtklima im Wandel” (urban climate under change [UC]²) and coordinated by the Leibnitz University Hannover.