June 11, 2024

Catena-X Consortium achieves its goal

The Catena-X project is currently one of the internationally important industrial policy lighthouse projects in the field of decentralised data and service ecosystems. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWK), the nearly 30 companies in the Catena-X consortium have been working closely together for three years on pre-competitive topics to create the IT-technological basis for future cooperation. The aim was to jointly create a data and service ecosystem for the digitalisation of the automotive supply chain.

At the end of the project, more than 320 participants from the consortium met with representatives of the BMWK and the project sponsor VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH.
The DLR Institute for AI Safety and Security and the BMW Group played a leading role in organising the event. Participants were taken on a journey through the achievements of Catena-X over the past three years, visualised by live presentations on the topics of Product Carbon Footprint, Wallet & Credential Issuance Flow, Battery Passport and various resilience solutions.

The Catena-X project is now coming to an end. More exciting than the conclusion of the project, however, is the question of what will happen next with the results of Catena-X. In particular, the transfer of project results into practice has always been part of Catena-X. The Transfer & Communication team has therefore handed over its results to the Catena-X e.V. association. Prof. Frank Köster (DLR), Andreas Kottmann (BMW) and Georg Schnauffer (Arena 2036) symbolically delivered the team results in the form of 9 gift packages. The operating company Cofinity-X, the BMWK represented by Ernst Stöckl-Pukall and Dr. Jan Bornemeier from the VDI received symbolic batons.
The common goal for the future will be to promote Catena-X across all sectors, for example through initiatives such as Manufacturing-X and other follow-up activities. The Institute for AI Safety and Security is also involved in these activities with its core competencies, contributing its learnings and expertise from Catena-X.