March 24, 2009

First EnMap Workshop on October 13/14, 2009 in Potsdam

The German Space Agency (DLR) and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) jointly organize the first national EnMAP Workshop on October 13/14, 2009 in Potsdam. The workshop addresses scientific as well as application oriented users in Germany with the following objectives:

  1. Early provision of information to potential users of EnMAP data about mission, hyperspectral imager, data products and data access. 
  2. Development of a national user community that specifically prepares and develops algorithms to fully exploit the EnMAP mission data with respect to science investigations and commercial applications.

The preliminary agenda foresees introductory presentations about mission, space and ground segment followed by discussions of thematically grouped research proposals in parallel splinter meetings.
The workshop announcement requests interested users to submit research proposals until April 10, 2009.