Impressions from the Opening of the "EOC Service Lab"
On September 02, 2010 the "EOC Service Lab" of DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen was inaugurated by the Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer in front of numerous representatives of press, radio and TV. He was accompanied by Dr. Männle (MdL) and Dr. Gruppe (StMWIVT). In his welcome address, the chairman of DLR, Prof. Wörner appreciated the visit and he emphasized the particular importance of the new service lab for the utilization of space technology for the benefit of humanitarian aid. Subsequently, Prof. Dech, the director of the German Remote Sensing Center DFD offered a guided tour across the facilities. He explicated the the services of the World Data Center WCD-RSAT for the monitoring of air quality the components, the mode of operation of the German-Indonesian Tsunami Warning System GITEWS, and the recent activities of the Center for Satellite-based Crisis Information ZKI in the context of the disaster management of the pakistanian floodings
Here are some visual impressions of the successful event, which met a remarkable positive response in press, radio and TV reports.