The Center for satellite-based crisis information (ZKI) of the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) is present at the CeBIT exhibition from 10th – 14th of March 2014. ZKI, as part of the booth of the Federal Ministry of Interior (BMI), especially provides insights to the national service ZKI-DE. On Monday the 10th, the first day of the CeBIT exhibition, the Federal Minister of the Interior Dr. Thomas de Maizière visited the ZKI booth on his exhibition walkabout and was informed by DLR CEO Professor Johann-Dietrich Wörner and Director of the German Remote Sensing Data Center Professor Stefan Dech about the recent developments of ZKI. Since 1st of January 2013 a framework contract between BMI and DLR is in force, which provides remote sensing based analysis products to federal agencies. One of the focal points of the ZKI presentation lies on the flood topic which is of major relevance for Germany, not least due to the heavy floodings in summer 2013.
Shortly before the CeBIT exhibition researchers of the DFD in Oberpfaffenhofen prepared a first pilot scheme for a flood information system. In the system newly acquired information showing the area of operations and the current water levels detected by radar sensors measured from space are combined. A first pilot application consisting of several elements of a future flood information system was presented to the Federal Minister of the Interior. Aim is to cover the complete flood crisis cycle from prevention, via early warning to the crisis response and follow-up activities.
Using this pilot scheme DLR shows on an exemplary basis which information should be brought together and supplemented by additional analyses to better support decision making in the disaster management. To realize this, DLR already cooperates with the Saxonian State Agency for environment, agriculture and geology. “The cooperation to develop early warning systems is of major interest for the continuous improvement of the flood warning and detection system in Saxony” says the responsible unit head of the Federal Saxonian Flood Center, Dr. Uwe Müller.