October 4, 2017

Bavarian State Ministry visits EOC

On 27 September Ministry Department Head Dr Manfred Wolter and Ministry Advisor Mr Dietmar Schneyer from the “Innovation, Research, Technology” department of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology visited the Earth Observation Center (EOC).

Prof. Stefan Dech and Prof. Bamler informed the guests about EOC's scientific work and the developments of recent years - particularly within the framework of the Copernicus programme. EOC acts as PAC (Processing and Archiving Centre) for the European satellites Sentinel-1, -3 and -5p. In addition, EOC is developing processors for atmospheric products from Sentinel-5p data on behalf of ESA. Sentinel-5p is scheduled to be launched on 13 October from the Russian cosmodrome Plessezk in north-western Russia.

The visit from the Bavarian State Ministry was impressed by the success of the projects they are funding, such as the OPUS project and Sentinel-5P processing, and also inspected the national distribution and processing platform CODE-DE. CODE-DE was realised by the EOC in cooperation with industrial partners.

In the concluding discussion, it became clear that the digitalisation of earth observation must be further expanded, particularly in the area of big data processing, in order to maintain the performance of the Bavarian and national players.


Nils Sparwasser

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD)
Science Communication and Visualization
Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Weßling
Tel: +49 8153 28-1316