June 5, 2024

EU-Hydro: European waters in focus

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has awarded an international consortium, consisting of the lead GAF AG and partners e-GEOS, Telespazio Ibérica, DLR and Confluvio, with the task of the production and maintenance of the upgraded EU-Hydro set of products as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS). 

EU-Hydro is a dataset of the European river network covering the EEA38 territory, including surface water bodies and drainage network. The production of EU-Hydro and its derived layers is coordinated by the EEA as part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The EU-Hydro suite of products is intended to provide information about the physical characteristics and geographical distribution of Europe’s water bodies, including rivers, lakes and catchment areas.
