July 15, 2022

EOC supports EO-Lab with national earth observation data

EOC supports EO-Lab with national earth observation data

On July 11, 2022 the "EO-Lab" internet platform was launched. It enables German researchers to efficiently analyse earth observation data. The portal is a component of the "artificial intelligence" strategy of the German government and was commissioned by the DLR space agency. EOC supplies the platform with data from national earth observation missions.

The portal provides simple, free-of-charge access to the image resources of national and European satellite missions. In addition, it makes it possible for users to analyse data and develop their own algorithms. EOC supplies the portal with the data contained in the German Satellite Data Archive (D-SDA) from national earth observation missions. These also include data from the German radar missions TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X, which will be available in the private-user portion of EO-Lab to specifically authorized science users. Derived products such as TerraSAR-X supersites data, the TanDEM-X 90 m elevation model and the TanDEM-X forest map will, however, remain available without restriction to all EO-Lab users via the EOC Geoservice. As to the recently launched EnMAP mission, Level-2 ARD (Analysis Ready Data) products are to be generated from the archived EnMAP images. These datasets will have been atmospherically corrected and thus can be directly used in analyses. These data can be accessed via the EO-Lab platform using a special interface (Spatial-Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) API). The RESA data from the RapidEye, PlanetScope and SkySat missions that are archived at D-SDA will also be made available through EO-Lab. 

A so-called "Identity Federation" between EOC and EO-Lab will also make possible rapid and secure access to other EOC data for users after a one-time registration (Single-Sign-On). This unproblematic access is to be first realized for EOC-Geoservice. EOC user management will be upgraded to also include the development of additional data analysis platforms like the HPDA terrabyte platform, which is currently taking shape in collaboration with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.
