September 25, 2023

Transforming the automotive industry

Last week, the Federal Minister Dr. Robert Habeck and the expert group "Transformation of the Automotive Industry" (ETA) met for an exchange. The focus was on Germany as an automotive location and its successful transformation. The focus was on setting the course for a resilient supply of raw materials and semiconductors as well as the use of vehicle data. In the run-up to the meeting, the expert group had developed target- and addressee-oriented recommendations for action. These are intended to provide structural policy orientation for Germany as a business location in order to meet the medium- and long-term challenges of the automotive industry along the entire value chain.

Prof. Dr. Frank Köster, founding director of the Institute for AI Security and sponsor of the mobility domain in the Gaia-X Hub Germany, is contributing to the expert group as an expert with a focus on the topics of data and software. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) is supporting the transformation process with more than six billion euros in the coming years. This area also includes the three funding projects Catena-X, Gaia-X 4 FutureMobility, NeMoBil, in which the DLR Institute for AI Security is actively involved. In the Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility project family, we as an institute are responsible for the overall coordination.

An important principle in the areas of responsibility and projects is that approaches to solutions, such as in the area of decentrally organised data services ecosystems, quickly become practice-relevant products and offer a high degree of future and investment security.