December 4, 2017

Comparisons of climate simulations in the target

Under the auspices of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), hundreds of climate researchers in modeling centers around the world are working to share, compare and analyze the latest results of global climate models. Within the CMIP (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project) project, in which the DLR Institute of Atmospheric Physics is participating, simulations of the research community provide important data for the next five to ten years. The IPCC uses the CMIP climate model simulations as a key source for its progress reports - as in its last full 2013 report, which was the scientific basis for the Paris Agreement and led to the adoption of the two-degree climate target.

This encourages the Department of Earth System Modeling of the DLR Institute of Atmospheric Physics to make a significant contribution to the next progress report: on the one hand, climate simulations with the model EMAC (ECHAM / MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry) contribute to the CMIP6 project and on the other hand the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) is further developed and applied to CMIP6 simulations. This makes it possible to routinely check the models with observation data.

On the occasion of the Conference of Parties COP23 in Bonn, an interview with the CMIP Panel Chair, Prof. Dr. Eyring, was published on this subject in the DLR Magazine and in the journal Nature Climate Change (Volume 7, pages 684-685).


Interview with V. Eyring in DLR-Magazine 156