Highly dynamical and precise punching holes with the DLR Hand Arm System

Highly dynamical and precise punching holes with the DLR Hand Arm System
The video, taken at Automatica fair 2014 Munich, demonstrates the execution of a highly dynamical and precise hammering task. The robot grasps a stamping tool in its hands and perforates the DLR logo into a business card. This task requires high dynamics (hitting) and mechanical robustness (impacts). Both is achieved by the recent robotic technology of compliant actuators and novel control methodology exploiting these elasticities. A very fundamental inner control loop (bang-bang control) generates a modal oscillation exciting the intrinsic oscillatory dynamics of the plant. An outer low gain iterative learning control (ILC) adapts to the desired hitting points without dynamics parameter knowledge of the "complex" nonlinear plant. The overall approach is very robust from a control point of view, since only a kinematic model and measurements of the states at position level are considered in the feedback control.